View AllWhy should your career be hampered by finances? By taking out an education loan, you can simply get past these obstacles. You can attend the university of your choosing and further your studies with the aid of a student loan. Your aspirations of a prosperous future are given wings by our associates who help you apply for an education loan.
In addition to paying for your college or university tuition, student loans help cover the costs of your books, laptop, and travel. With just one inquiry, we may provide school loan service.
Features of SS Finance Education Loan
Eligibility Criteria for Education Loan
1. Fully Completed Application Form
2. Photos
3. Photo ID
4. Residence Proof
5. Academic Documents
6. Proof of Admission
7. Bank Statements
8. Income Proof of Co Applicant
9. Immovable Property Document
Indian citizens must be 16 to 35 years of age with a good academic record and should have completed 10+2 or diploma. If the applicant is enrolled in a recognised institute in India or overseas, loans are sanctioned based on pre-admission, entrance exam scores, 12th/HSC results or confirmed admissions.
Graduate/Postgraduate/Diploma courses in professional education from recognised and accredited institutes in India and overseas.